Tuesday, August 1, 2017

How students can learn and serve the community at the same time?

Service Learning Education
What type of education with which the students can learn and help in solving the community problems as well? The answer could be found in Service Learning.
Service Learning based on Bringle & Hatcher, (1995,p112) is an educational experience in which the students would engage in an organized service activity that meets the community requirements which results in gaining a broader and deeper understanding of the course content, a broader obligation to the system and fostering a deeper sense of civic responsibility (Averett & Arnd-Caddigan, 2014).  
It is a flexible way of education, which can use variety of classroom and community settings. In addition to the students and the instructors, community partners will also be key players in developing an efficient service learning activities that will address real community needs and provides opportunities for the students to learn from experience, serve the community, and at the same time, reflect upon their experience and they will also have a deeper understanding for themselves. Eyler & Giles, (1999).
Please share your experience / new ideas about Service Learning education by comment here or using

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              @Adel4A61W #SLearning

*More information about Service-Learning could be found at the Starting Point website Link; https://serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/service/what.html
Different Service-Learning Examples could be viewed using the following link: https://serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/service/examples.html
Averett, P. E., & Arnd-Caddigan, M. (2014). Preparing BSW students for service-learning: Enhancing epistemological reflection. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 34(3), 316–331.
Eyler, J., D. Giles, C. Stenson, and C. Gray. (2001). At a Glance: What We Know about the Effects of Service Learning on College Students, Faculty, Institutions, and Communities. Vanderbilt University.