Sunday, April 15, 2012

Development Plan

Company's Workforce Development Plan

Personal Development Plan

After 30 years of experience working at different areas around the world and serving different positions including ; field, supervisory and managerial in both technical and training specialities with the company.

I’m looking forward to having the chance to develop and leverage my leadership skills to the executive managerial level by pursuing the following development plan:

1- Attend the Business Leadership Development Courses 

These are three advanced business training courses for non financial managers that are offered through a partnership between Halliburton and the Center for Executive Development in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. Duration of each class varies from one to three weeks, and the classes prepare the participants from all corners of the globe for executive-level decision-making positions.

2- Join the President’s Leadership Excellence Program

One year long development program that is usually offered for high potential employees. Participants work on project teams addressing specific company-related business challenges such as performance improvement initiative, alternating energy, branding, technology, sustainability and many other topics based on each year’s hot issues. Each team work on its assigned project all year under the supervision of one of the Company’s vice presidents. The teams work on analyzing the situation, researching for alternatives and formulating a workable solution, which is then presented to an audience comprising the Executive Committee and all the Company’s vice presidents. The best solutions are usually pursued for possible implementation by the company.

3- Coaching Relationship
Before pursing the chance for higher managerial job, I would like to have the opportunity for a one-on-one coaching program or to shadow one of the company executive managers for shot period of time, in order to develop, practice and enforce all the managerial skills that I have been acquired going through the last two programs.

4- Assessment 
I will be using the company’s People, Performance, Results annual appraisal report to agree with my managers to specific goals and objectives on a range of topics including ethics, financial, accountability, health, safety and environment as well as diversity and inclusion. I will also work with my manager on how to pursue my competency development plans based on my current position and the possible future positions. My manager will assess my measurable progress against the agreed-upon determined goals and results should be linked to my compensation.


Halliburton (2012). 2011 Corporate Sustainability Report. Retrieved on April 14, 2012 from

Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Stolovitch, H. (n.d.). Employee development. Walden University Video Resources

Friday, April 6, 2012

High -Tech Training

A modern workplace requires flexibility even with training programs. Currently many organizations are seeing a reduction in training funds and less time for employees to receive training. This is why technology would be a wonderful solution to increase the variety of ways an employee can be trained (Lovig, 2011). 
Today’s students /learners, (and tomorrow’s workers) have grown up around technology. They are so comfortable with it that they expect it to be part of how they learn. So the question is not “should we use technology to teach?” but “how can we use technology to teach well?” ( Stolovitch & Keeps, 2011). This is why a good trainer would strive to apply technological components to enhance the impact and/or measurability of training solutions. 
For this week’s assignment, I will explain the impact that five of these technological components have and will continue to have on how people learn and interact, and the implications of this for training.

Online learning
It is also known as E-learning, and it is the delivery of training or instructions by computer on line through the Internet or the Web. Online learning includes Web-based training, distance learning and virtual classrooms. 
E-learning allows training to be delivered faster to more employees in a shorter time at any place and any time.  It supports the companies’ business strategy and objective, and training can be delivered to geographically dispersed and through a wide variety of employees.  It’s easy to update while learning is enhanced through use of multiple media (sound, text, video, graphics) and trainee interaction in order eliminate the training management paperwork.  It can also link learners to other content, experts and peers (Noe, 2010).

Simulators replicate the physical equipment that employees use on the job.  It represents a real-life situation, with trainees’ decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen if they were on the job. The simulator also tracks the trainees’ performance and alters the instructors if a trainee is falling behind.  It also records and evaluates participants’ behavior and interactions in solving the problems.  It allows trainees to practice in a safe environment and given a feedback regarding their performance and it is may also used to develop managerial skills (Noe, 2010).

Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality uses technology to stimulate multiple senses of the trainee.  Devices usually relay information from the environment to the senses.  It is a computer-based technology that provides trainees with a three-dimensional learning experience and allows simulations to become even more realistic. Trainees usually move through the simulated environment and interact with its components by using specialized equipment or viewing the virtual model on the computer screen. The main advantage of virtual reality is that it allows trainees to practice dangerous tasks without putting themselves or others in danger.  It is likely to have the greatest impact on complex tasks or tasks that involve extensive use of visual cues and it reduces the learner cognitive load for data processing by making more memory available for learning (Noe, 2010).
Learning Management Systems ( LMS)
LMS is a technology platform that can be used to automate the administration, development and delivery of all of a company’s training programs. LMSs can provide employees, managers, and trainers with the ability to manage, deliver, and track learning activities. New developments in LMSs include providing the ability for users to simultaneously search the database as well as their company’s intranet for information on training courses, contact topic experts, enroll in courses, and use simulations to determine whether employees are complying with ethical standards and skills they have been trained in using by the LMS. It can help in reducing the travel and other costs related to training, reduce time for program completion, increase employees’ accessibility to training across the business, and provide administrative capabilities to track program completion and course enrollments. LMSs also allow companies to track all learning activity in the business (Noe, 2010).

iPads are part of the mobile technology devices that allow learning to occur anywhere at anytime through almost limitless number of uses. iPads have a wide array of applications that can enhance the training experience for the user even for the trainers without programming knowledge. One application can provide a video conference and presentation tools that people can join across multiple platforms. Also, a trainer can  give a presentation, or use the iPad as a controller for a presentation on a computer. With the advanced iPad, training can include anything that can be displayed on the iPad due to it's mirror imaging feature. The iPad can also give the instructional designer the ability to record and edit podcasts without ever leaving the device and they can be recorded as audio-only or as video podcasts. The iPad could become an even more powerful device should an organization have capable programmers. Applications that serve a particular training purpose could be designed and pushed to the device using the company's exchange server (Lovig, 2011).
Lovig, J. (2011). Training With Technology: The many uses of the iPad. Hartford Workplace Issues. Retrieved on April 5 from
Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Stolovitch, H. D., & Keeps, E. J. (2011). Telling ain’t training. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press.